A super way to celebrate those birthday milestones!
A compact number balloon display with mini balloon details, completed in any theme and colours you desire. All of our designs come with vinyl personalisation as standard to make them truly special and every single design is unique.
Standing at approximately 4ft tall wide you will need the back seats clear in a large car or even better, the seats down for collection. Local delivery may be available Mon - Thurs on request for an additional fee.
Please ensure you complete the required personalisation and date fields correctly. Please give the date that you would like to collect the balloon not the date of the birthday/party. Collection is from Parkstone, Poole and I will contact you to arrange collection at a suitable time for us both. Alternatively, delivery may be available for an additional fee.
Single Digit Bouquet
Once your display is in your possession it is no longer our responsibility. Please ensure they are not kept in direct sunlight or near a radiator. Keep away sharp objects and refrain from touching the display.
Balloons are very fragile and will react to high and low temperatures. Do not leave in a car or shed over night. Balloons will last considerably less time outdoors 1-2 days at best. Please also ensure you ensure there will be adequate, clean space in your vehicle upon collection, your balloons need to be handled with the upmost care.
You must inform us if you are aware of anyone with a latex allergy who may come into contact with the balloons. Balloons are a choking hazard please ensure children are supervised around the displays at all times.
In the event of an event needing to be re-arranged or cancelled we may be able to transfer your order value to another date. Please give as much notice for this as possible due to the fact that once the balloon has been prepared and personalised we will no longer be able to transfer your order and a refund will not be offered.
Where possible please give at least 48 hrs notice for cancellation or postponement.